LOST MAP RECORDS                        Green Caravan
****************                        Isle Of Eigg
                                        Hld. PH42 4RL


Start   : 2013
Owner   : Johnny lynch aka The Pictish Trail
Distr.  : UK - Norman/
Style   : indie pop / shoegaze / dream pop / lo-fi / folk rock / grunge /
          power pop / alternative /

LOST MAP RECORDS was established in 2013, from The Pictish Trail’s caravan home on
the Planet Eigg (56°54’N, 06°10’W). A brand new micro-label and collective unshackled
by style or genre, it was formed with a pioneering spirit to reassess how we discover
and explore music amid the disorientating digital geography of the 21st century.

Lost Map was able to immediately give shelter to an uprooted tribe of amazing artists
including Rozi Plain, Kid Canaveral, Seamus Fogarty, Randolph’s Leap, eagleowl,
Monoganon and Pictish Trail. It’s those names and many more yet to be encountered that
will lead Lost Map on its creative adventure, through physical and digital releases,
events, festivals and all destinations in between.
[From: http://lostmap.com/about/] april 28, 2016

GRAT    00°1    KID CANAVERAL : WHO WOULD WANT TO BE LOVED              7"+DLc  02.2014

        A       Who Would Want To Be Loved?
        B       I Can't Dance To This Music Anymore
GRAT    00°2    TUFF LOVE               JUNK EP                         10"+DLc 05.2014

        A1      Sweet Discontent
        A2      Flamingo
        B1      Copper
        B2      Poncho
        B3      Penguin
                (Note : 10" , white vinyl)
grat    00°3    RACHAEL DADD/ROZI PLAIN : SPLIT                         7"+DLc  10.2014

        A1      Rachael Dadd            Strike Our Scythes
        AA1     Rozi Plain              Jogalong
GRAT    00°4    TUFF LOVE               DROSS EP                        10"     02.2015

        1       Slammer                                         3:01
        2       That's Right                                    2:23
        3       Sebastian                                       2:28
        4       Doberman                                        3:16
        5       Cum                                             3:24
                (Note : 10"/45 RPM , bzby pink vinyl)
GRAT    00°5    TUFF LOVE/LAZY DAY      SPLIT                           7"+DLc  05.2015

        A       TUFF LOVE               Groucho
        B       LAZY DAY                Portrait
                (Note : 7" , 300 copies)
GRAT    00°6    NDOLPH'S LEAP           MOST CLUNKY                     LP+DLc  04.2015

        A1      The Foolishness of Youth
        A2      Microcosm
        A3      Goodbye
        A4      Unnatural
        B1      Weatherman
        B2      News
        B3      Hermit
        B4      I Can't Dance To This Music Anymore
        B5      Light of the Moon
                (Note : LP , 250 copies + 12"x12" colour artwork)
GRAT    007     SEAMUS FOGARTY          DUCKS AND DRAKES                12"     09.2015

        A1      Ducks & Drakes 	
        A2      Computer Graph 	
        A3      Holyhead
        B       A Mile Beneath The Broken Heart Of London Town
                (Note : 12" , 45 RPM)
GRAT    00°8    TUFF LOVE               DREGS EP                        10"+DLc 11.2015

        A1      Duke                                            3:35
        A2      Crocodile                                       2:24
        A3      Threads                                         3:15
        B1      Amphibian                                       4:21
        B2      Carbon                                          4:00
                (Note : 10" , yellow vinyl)
GRAT    009     VICTORIA HUME           CLOSING EP                      CDEP    01.2016

        1       Closing                                         1:58
        2       Sell Everything                                 3:18
        3       Miles Away                                      2:42
        4       Lanterns                                        4:10
        5       Ungoverned                                      2:38
        6       Something Soft                                  1:44
        7       Wild Wind                                       4:01
GRAT    010     ICHI                    MARU                            CDR       .2016

        1       Hippo + 47                                      3:30
        2       Go Gagambo                                      2:39
        3       Wakka P                                         1:50
        4       2 Klaxons                                       2:35
        5       Kinkan                                          6:31
        6       Book                                            3:06
        7       Foorai                                          3:50
        8       99                                              4:25
        9       Toh Nan Sha Pei                                 3:19
        10      Magic Hour                                      3:29
                (Note : CDr , wraparound insert , promo only)
GRAT    011     ROZI PLAIN              FRIEND OF A FRIEND              CD      05.2016

        1.      Marshes
        2.      Best Team (Joshua James remix)
        3.      Actually (Live at the BBC, Marc Riley session 19/01/16)
        4.      Rearrange (Alpine Ski Champion remix)
        5.      There Is No Sun
        6.      Friend City (Boxed In remix)
        7.      Actually (Jericho remix)
        8.      Best Team (Live at the BBC, Marc Riley Session, 27/04/16)
        9.      Jogalong (WOLF remix)
        10.     Rearrange (Live at the BBC, Marc Riley session 19/01/16)
        11.     Friend City (Delifinger remix)
        12.     Red Dot (Live at the BBC, Marc Riley session 19/01/16)
        13.     Best Team (Babe remix)
        14.     Rearrange (Aidan O'Rourke remix)
                (Note : CD , 300 copies , cut-out slipcase)
GRAT    012     LAZY DAY                DISAPPEAR                       7"+DLc  11.2016

        A       Disappear
        B       All The Time
                (Note : 7" + insert)
GRAT    013     LAZY DAY                RIBBONS EP                      10"+DL  10.2017

        1.      With My Mind
        2.      Ribbon 1
        3.      What’s Up
        4.      Ribbon 2
        5.      Hiccup
        6.      Ribbon 3
        7.      TV

GRAT    015     BAS JAN                 INSTANT NOSTALGIA               10"+DLc 12.2018

        1.      Instant Nostalgia 
        2.      Profile Picture 
        3.      No Time
        4.      I Am Animal

Instant Nostalgia is the second release for London post-punk experimentalists, Bas
Jan. The three-piece are led by multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Serafina Steer.
Since they recorded their debut album, Yes I Jan, two founding members have left and
been replaced, making Steer the one constant.
GRAT    016     MOLLY LINEN             OUTSIDE EP                      10"     10.2019

Molly Linen is a songwriter and guitarist from the West Midlands, now based in Glasgow.
She creates atmospheric, captivating and personal songs, led by melodic guitar lines
and lulling yet hypnotic vocals, drawing influences from artists such as Devon Sproule
and Nick Drake. Members of her band include Beth Chalmers, Caio Wheelhouse, Colin
Campbell and Liam Chapman (who also drums with C Duncan). The EP was recorded by Ronan
Fay at Green Door Studios in Glasgow.
GRAT    017     GOOD DOG                CREATURE                        CDR     05.2020

        1       Mirror / Parallel                               1:47
        2       Worm                                            3:00
        3       Jury Duty                                       1:55
        4       March 28th                                      2:36
        5       Finish Line                                     0:36
        6       Secret Paint                                    3:25
        7       Curtains                                        1:07
        8       Good Morning                                    3:22
        9       Plane                                           3:04
        10      Secret Paint Refrain                            1:01
        11      Bumblebee                                       3:11
        12      Chamber                                         3:04
        13      Creature                                        4:01
        14      Floating                                        3:46
        15      Soul                                            1:43
GRAT 00 18      ALEXIA AVINA            UNEARTH                         CDR     10.2020

        1       Cups                                            2:47
        2       Inner Garden                                    3:29
        3       Horse's Mane                                    3:16
        4       Fit Into                                        3:21
        5       I Love Watching You Live                        4:50
        6       Walk A Line                                     3:05
        7       I Wouldn't Go                                   3:37
        8       Falling Stars                                   1:21
        9       Feeding That Beast                              3:40
        10      Synth Jam                                       4:17
        11      Night Sky                                       3:49
                (Note : CDr , 100 copies)
GRAT    019     FIRESTATIONS            AUTOMATIC TENDENCIES            CDREP   11.2020

        1       New Device                                      3:45
        2       Small Island                                    3:55
        3       Bedford Levels                                  4:27
        4       Greenmount (Sunken Version)                     4:58
        5       Small Island (Bit Cloudy Remix)                 3:39
        6       Just For A While                                4:05
GRAT    020     KINBOTE                 SHIFTING DISTANCE               CDR       .2020

        1       Coins With Little Holes In Them                 2:34
        2       Hiemalis                                        2:25
        3       Soft Exit                                       3:18
        4       Sleeping Bag                                    1:18
        5       Supper At Emmaus                                1:46
        6       (On A String)                                   3:49
        7       Shopping Channel                                1:58
        8       Frozen Sand Crushed Beneath Boots               2:38
        9       God's Cellos                                    1:48
        10      In The Rushes                                   2:18
        11      Passing Through A North Facing Window           3:37
        12      Maggie's Loup                                   2:58
GRAT    021     SULKA                   TAKE CARE                       CDR     01.2021

        1       Fear It                                         2:45
        2       Hollow Days                                     2:28
        3       She Cares                                       1:58
        4       Punctured                                       2:24
        5       Sleep Cycle                                     0:58
        6       Porch                                           2:01
        7       You & I                                         2:48
        8       Chasing                                         2:21
        9       Instrumental 2                                  1:14
        10      Fell Out Of A Sky                               3:36
        11      Big Divide                                      3:38
        12      It's All Over                                   2:21
                (Note : CDr + 15 p. printed zine)
GRAT    022     CLEMENTINE MARCH        SONGS OF RESILIENCE             CDR     02.2021

        1       Panic Attack                                    2:38
        2       Last Chorus                                     2:33
        3       Inside The Wave                                 3:11
        4       Nos Instants Sauvages                           3:01
        5       The Fire In The Night                           2:14
        6       Songs Of Resilience                             1:28
        7       La Citadelle                                    2:12
        8       Into The Distance                               2:36
        9       Electric Fog                                    2:34
        10      Insects                                         1:41
        11      Éternité                                        3:04
                (Note : CDr with printed lyric + chord-diagram zine)
GRAT    023     FIRESTATIONS            MELTED MEDIUM                   CDREP   03.2021

        1       Firestations            Outpost Image           4:06
        2       Firestations            The Circular            4:00
        3       Firestations : Low Ratio (Sunken Version)       4:38
        4       Firestations            Stray Signals           3:59
        5       Clémentine March        Le Scaphandre
                (Clémentine March cover of "Small Island")      3:22
        6       Firestations : New Device (Dreamtrak Remix)     6:26
GRAT    024     MOLLY LINEN             DAYS AWAKE                      10"     08.2021

        A1      A Lot To Give
        A2      The Day Starts
        A3      Space
        B1      Awake At Night
        B2      Home
        B3      Spring
                (Note : 10"/33.3 RPM
GRAT    025     JENNY MOORE'S MYSTIC BUSINESS : HE EARNS ENOUGH         12"     10.2021

        A1      He Earns Enough
        A2      I Am Afraid
        B1      Wild Mix
        B2      We Will Invent A Language
        B3      Woman Is A Word
                (Note : 12"/45 RPM
GRAT    026     KOPPIES                 KOPPIES EP                      CDEP    07.2021

        1       Cloud
        2       Come Back
        3       Hospital Song
        4       President
        5       #Timesup
        6       Lightning

(Note : CDEP , hand assembled and hand-stamped CD-R, in limited edition card
        packaging with obi striip)
GRAT    027     FIRESTATIONS            PIXEL WILDERNESS                CDREP   08.2021

        1   Firestations                Machine Country         3:56
        2   Firestations                Sun In Your Eyes        3:49
        3   Firestations                It's Unreal             3:56
        4   Firestations : Outpost Index (Sunken Version)       4:17
        5   The Leaf Library            The Circular
            (The Leaf Library Cover)                            6:02
        6   Firestations                Dream Home
            (Long Ago & Far Away Mix by Ocean Moon)             5:58
GRAT    028     A.R. PINEWOOD           MOONFIRE                        CD      08.2021

        1       Grandeur                                        3:07
        2       Moonfire                                        3:39
        3       Wallpapering                                    3:37
        4       Destiny                                         4:12
        5       Forever It Goes                                 4:06
        6       Moonfire (Reprise)                              2:44
        7       Ravenous                                        2:51
        8       Competent Human                                 3:50
GRAT    029

        1       Castration Memes
        2       Business Dracumen
        3       Once Powerful Uncle
        4       I Love My Fleeto
        5       Birth Mask
        6       Ya Hoser
        7       Velcro Dinner
        8       Human Pillar
        9       Hell Farm
        10      Planted Painting
GRAT    031     SULKA                   FRONT DOOR EP                   CDEP    12.2021

        1       These Days
        2       Discord
        3       Windup
        4       Skyline
        5       Goodbye
        6       Front Door
                (Note : CD , 100 copies. includes lyric booklet)










LOSTCAT 002     MONOGAMON/NONAGOMON     LOST CAT 00°2                   CS      06.2014

        A.      MONOGANON
                Afropunk / Kissing / Punktuation / Wifi Skane / Black Hole
        B       NONAGOMON
                Parental Guidance
LOSTCAT 003     EAGLEOWL/WOODPIGEON     LOST CAT 003                    CS      07.2014

1       Eagleowl : Eagleowl Vs Woodpigeon (You're Not Here Version)
2       Eagleowl : Summerschool (You're Not Here Version)
3       Eagleowl : Eagleowl Vs Woodpigeon (It's Quiet When You're Not Here Version)
4       Woodpigeon : Woodpigeon Vs Eagleowl (Killer Birds Version)
5       Woodpigeon : Edinburgh (L’appel Du Vide Version)
6       Woodpigeon : Gratefulness Mantra | Thumbtacks + Glue (Pallindrones Version)
7       Woodpigeon : Sam + Sofia
LOSTCAT 006     KID CANAVERAL           LOST CATMAS EP                  CS      12.2015

        A1      Wasn’t Really Listening
        A2      Callous Christmas Gift
        B1      Wasn’t Really Sleeping Mix
        B2      Wasn’t Really Christmassing Mix
LAT     00°1    MONOGANON               FAMILY                         LP+CD+CS 10.2013

LP.CD   LP-A1   Monoganon               Quick Crescent Moon
        LP-A2   Monoganon               Wasted Teens
        LP-A3   Monoganon               Easterhouse
        LP-A4   Monoganon               Best Pals
        LP-A5   Monoganon               Arc Of The Tuna Fish
        LP-B1   Monoganon               All You To Need To Know Is Now
        LP-B2   Monoganon               Car Coming Home
        LP-B3   Monoganon               Bean A Daughter
        LP-B4   Monoganon               Ivory And Tusk

                Lost Cat 00°1
Cassette-A1     Monoganon               How Did You Get Up There?
Cassette-A2     Monoganon               Outstanding Disguise
Cassette-A3     Monoganon               Mountain
Cassette-B1     Wegoda                  Between The Leaves
Cassette-B2     Wegoda                  Public Swords
Cassette-B3     Wegoda                  Cava Vena
LAT     00°2    RANDOLPH'S LEAP         CLUMSY KNOT                     LP        .2014
LAT     00°2    RANDOLPH'S LEAP         CLUMSY KNOT                     CD        .2014

        1       Unatural                                        3:27
        2       Foolishness of Youth                            2:28
        3       News                                            1:18
        4       Hermit                                          3:07
        5       Gina                                            2:54
        6       Light Of The Moon                               3:01
        7       Weatherman                                      6:27
        8       Black & Blue                                    4:27
        9       Isle Of Love                                    4:14
        10      Microcosm                                       4:08
        11      Saxophone                                       2:53
        12      Cold                                            2:20
        13      I Can't Dance To This Music Anymore             4:12
LAT     3 LP    ROZI PLAIN              FRIENDS                         LP+DLc  05.2015
LAT     3 CD    ROZI PLAIN              FRIENDS                         CD      05.2015

        1.      ACTUALLY
        2.      BEST TEAM
        3.      FIVE BEANS
        4.      FRIEND CITY
        5.      JOGALONG
        6.      QUARRY
        7.      REARRANGE
        8.      TAP TO THE CHEST
        9.      RED DOT
        10.     YARD
LAT 00°3 1310      INSECT HEROES           APOCALYPSO                   LP+CD   10.2014

        A1      Introduction
        A2      Apocalypso
        A3      Autobahn
        A4      Strobe Lights
        A5      King Fabulous
        A6      Beautiful World
        A7      Spacesuit
        A8      Insect Heroes Theme
        B1      Pop Music
        B2      Bang Bang Bang
        B3      Marionette
        B4      A Man Like Me
        B5      These Days
        B6      Wooden Heart
        B7      Good Night
LAT     00°4    TUFF LOVE               RESORT                          LP      02.2016
LAT     00°4 CD TUFF LOVE               RESORT                          CD      02.2016

        A1      Sweet Discontent
        A2      Flamingo
        A3      Copper
        A4      Poncho
        A5      Penguin
        A6      Slammer
        A7      That's Right
        A8      Sebastian
        B1      Doberman
        B2      Cum
        B3      Duke
        B4      Threads
        B5      Crocodile
        B6      Amphibian
        B7      Carbon
LAT     005 LP  KID CANAVERAL           FAULTY INNER DIALOGUE           LP      08.2016
                (Note : LP , yellow coloured vinyl)
LAT     005 CD  KID CANAVERAL           FAULTY INNER DIALOGUE           CD      08.2016

SIDE A  1       Gun Fhaireachdain
        2       First We Take Dumbarton
        3       Tragic Satellite
        4       Ten Milligrams
        5       Callous Parting Gift
        6       Pale White Flower
SIDE B: 1       Lifelong Crisis Of Confidence
        2       Listen To Me
        3       From Your Bright Room
        4       Twenty Milligrams
        5       Lives Never Lived
        6       Reel
LAT     00°6    PICTISH TRAIL           FUTURE ECHOES                   LP+DLc  09.2016
                (Note : LP , clear vinyl , gatefold)
LAT     00°6    PICTISH TRAIL           FUTURE ECHOES                   CD      09.2016

        A1      Far Gone (Don't Leave)
        A2      Lionhead
        A3      Dead Connection
        A4      Rhombus
        A5      Half-Life
        B1      Easy With Either
        B2      Who's Comin' In?
        B3      Until Now
        B4      Strange Sun
        B5      After-Life
LAT     007 LP  ED DOWIE                THE UNCLE SOLD                  LP+DLc  02.2017
                (Note : LP , hand-stamped labels + insert)
LAT     007 CD  ED DOWIE                THE UNCLE SOLD                  CD      02.2017
                (Note : CD , hand-stamped , gatefold)

        1       Verbarhemiopia
        2       Red Or Grey
        3       Why Do You Live In France?
        4       Yungpawel
        5       Bastard Harbour
        6       May For A Dead Queen
        7       David Is Unwell
        8       Questions To Ask Felicity
        9       Richard!
LAT     0°08    MANUELA GERNEDEL        MANUELA                         LP+DLc  04.2017

        A1      Everything Goes
        A2      Supermarket
        A3      Farewell
        A4      VVW
        A5      Silent Dome
        A6      Cracks In The Concrete
        A7      Easy
        B1      Invincible
        B2      March Against It
        B3      White Hotel
        B4      Desolation Angels
        B5      Invincible Dub

Vocalist Manuela Gernedel teams up with ex-Franz Ferdinand guitarist Nick McCarthy
for a self titled full length of gentle, left-of-centre pop songs. Enlisting the
help of some guest appearances from members of The Mystery Jets, Django Django, and
Veronica Falls.
LAT     009     MONOGANON               KILLMENS                        LP+MAG  12.2017

Side A  1       Black Hole
        2       Wifi Skane
        3       Punctuation
        4       Kissing
        5       Gray
Side B  1       Going Back and Coming Home
        2       Sleepover
        3       Pushing and Pulling
        4       Life in Pictures
        5       Magic Spider

Malmo / Glasgow songwriter John B. McKenna IS Monoganon, and Killmens (good idea) is
his new album, written in opposition to the toxic end of masculinity. As well as a
vinyl pressing of John’s art-poppy songs, this release of Killmens also comes with
a little magazine! Released by the Lost Map label.


LAT     012     ALABASTER DEPLUME       THE CORNER OF A SPHERE          LP+DLc  05.2018
LAT     012     ALABASTER DEPLUME       THE CORNER OF A SPHERE          2CD     05.2018

A:      1.      Is It Enough
        2.      I Want A Red Car
        3.      They Put The Stars Far Away
        4.      What Do We Want
        5.      Did You Ever Hear About The Mau Mau
B:      6.      Be Nice To People
        7.      Who Are You Asking For
        8.      Not Counting Numbers Obviously
        9.      The Winner
        10.     There's Always More

        1.      Intro
        2.      Who Are You Asking For (Live)
        3.      Be Nice To People (Rozi Plain remix)
        4.      With Your Hands
        5.      If You’re Going To Make A Sound
        6.      They Put The Stars Far Away (Thomas Ragsdale remix)
        7.      Me Me Me Me Me
        8.      Be Nice To People (Live)
        9.      No Mind I Know
        10.     Did You Ever Disco
        11.     Be As Much Yourself (Live)
        12.     Did You Ever Hear About The Mau Mau (Live)
        13.     What Do We Want (Hiro Ama remix)

The fourth LP from Alabaster dePlume sees the East London jazz-savant balancing
positivity and hardship.
LAT     013     SAVAGE MANSION          REVISION BALLADS                LP      02.2019

A:      1.      Bring Down The City Hall
        2.      No Flags
        3.      Infinite Factory
        4.      Nudist Beach
        5.      Do You Say Hello To Your Neighbours?
        6.      Three And A Half Thousand Cheetahs (Big Cats)
B:      7.      Elwood
        8.      Honeymoon
        9.      Situation Comedy
        10.     Uncomfortable Slumber
        11.     Dog O' Tears
        12.     Older And Wiser

There’s this great bit in Peep Show where Super Hans explains away the unfairness of
a situation to Jez by simply saying ‘it’s a Savage Garden, my friend’. We can’t say
for certain what Glaswegian DIY-punk Craig Angus is getting at by naming his project
Savage Mansion, but one spin of Revision Ballads implies that things may be a bit
brighter for Angus than they were for Jez in that moment. Revision Ballads is an LP
of breezy, grungy pop tunes ala The Lemonheads, Pavement and all that other good stuff
from the ‘90s.
LAT     014     CALLUM EASTER           HERE OR NOWHERE                 LP      04.2019

        1       Here Or Nowhere
        2       Fall In Love
        3       Tell 'Em Boy
        4       Fall Down
        5       Space In Time
        6       Be There Always
        7       Only Sun
        8       I Just Want To Love
        9       Make A Move
        10      Plastic In Trees
        11      Back Beat
LAT     015     CLÉMENTINE MARCH        LE CONTINENT                    LP      01.2020

        1.      Une Bougie
        2.      Demi-Soupir
        3.      Le Continent
        4.      Abribus
        5.      Elixir
        6.      Sous Ta Peau
        7.      Le Mont Olympe
        8.      Late In The Evening
        9.      Les Naufragés
        10.     Température
        11.     Feux Rouges
        12.     Chemins Croisés
        13.     Sans Visage
LAT     016
LAT     017
LAT     018     A.R. PINEWOOD           NO LIFE                         LP+CD     .2020

        A1      No Life                                         3:16
        A2      So I've Been Publicly Shamed                    3:00
        A3      Faux Misery                                     2:48
        A4      Best Self                                       3:03
        A5      I'm Okay                                        3:16
        B1      Other Side                                      2:33
        B2      Where Did You Go?                               1:42
        B3      Hyperbolic                                      5:26
        B4      Hotel                                           3:29
        B5      Write Home About                                3:16
                (Note : LP+CD+DL , 300 copies)
LAT     019     SAVAGE MANSION          WEIRD COUNTRY                   LP+CD   04.2020

        A1      Karaoke
        A2      Taking The Four
        A3      Old Country
        A4      The Puppeteer
        A5      Merrie
        A6      Battlefield Boss Dream
        B1      Monument
        B2      Screaming Speed Machine
        B3      There's No Time To Waste
        B4      Weird Country
        B5      Now To Levitate
        B6      The International
                (Note : LP , pink coloured vinyl. Incl. download code)

Savage Mansion hail from Glasgow. They are led by Craig Angus and play melodic guitar
-based indie rock. Support slots with Frightened Rabbit piqued the interest of Johnny
Lynch, AKA Pictish Trail, who signed them to his Lost Map label. BBC 6 Music’s Lauren
Laverne, Marc Riley and Gideon Coe rate them highly as does Bob Nastanovic - the
auxiliary drummer / shouting guy from Pavement. Weird Country is the band’s second
LAT     020     HAPPY SPENDY            YOZ'RE DOING OKAY               LP+CD   06.2020

        1       Candy                                           2:51
        2       Slushie                                         2:22
        3       Flex                                            3:07
        4       Take Care Of Yourself                           2:52
        5       Good As New                                     3:27
        6       LDY                                             2:14
        7       Holy Smokes                                     0:58
        8       Fresh Air                                       1:25
        9       Wrap Me Up                                      2:48
        10      Wrap Me Up                                      2:48
        11      Feelings 2                                      2:40
        12      Ready When You Are                              2:05
        13      Babies                                          3:16
        14      I Was Just Trying To Have A Good Time           3:47
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
LAT     021     UNDERMEDVETENHETEN      UNDERMEDVETENHETEN              LP      06.2020

        A1      Stenkast Fran Trask                             5:10
        A2      Ptolemy                                         2:59
        A3      Undermedvetenheten                              4:50
        A4      Smorgasbord                                     8:02
        B1      Smalt Nudel                                     4:26
        B2      Pelog Blogg                                     2:31
        B3      Stilla Havet                                    2:30
        B4      Tillfallig                                      2:53
        B5      Amning                                          3:34
        B6      Mikrostrom                                      4:52
LAT     022     MARTHA FFION            NIGHTS TO FORGET                LP      08.2020
LAT     022     MARTHA FFION            NIGHTS TO FORGET                CDR     08.2020

        A1      Someone Who Cares
        A2      After The Fact
        A3      Nights To Forget
        A4      Want You To Know
        A5      Lost In The Crowd
        B1      Rosaleen
        B2      Going Out In Style
        B3      Universe
        B4      Walked Me Home
        B5      Don't Let Me Go
LAT     023     CALLUM EASTER           SYSTEM                          LP      12.2021

        A1      WHAT YOU THINK?
        A2      SYSTEM
        A3      LITTLE HONEY
        A4      FIND 'EM A HOME
        A5      BE SOMEBODY
        B1      MY LOVE
        B2      HONEY BEE
        B3      LOSE SOMETIME Ft. Law Holt
        B4      TELL 'EM CHILD
        B5      THIS FEELING
                (Note : LP , green vinyl)
LAT     024     BAS JAN                 BABY U KNOW                     LP      01.2022

        A1      Progressive Causes
        A2      Sex Cult
        A3      All Forgotten
        A4      "My Incantations, Herbs & Art Have Abandoned Me"
        A5      Vision Of Change
        B1      Shopping In A New City
        B2      You Have Bewitched Me
        B3      Baby U Know
        B4      Too Good To Be True
        B5      Profile Picture (OTO Version)

(Note : LP , housed in a high gloss sleeve. Edition of 300 copies)

"Baby U Know" is the second album by experimental post-punks Bas Jan, a supergroup
led by multi-instrumentalist Serafina Steer and featuring Rachel Horwood of Trash
Kit and Emma Smith who has played with Jarv Is among others. The album was made in
a race against time due to pregnancy and looming lockdowns. This led to a less-is-more
philosophy that failed to blunt their experimental and melodic tendencies. A mix of
propulsive rhythms, folk influences and angular post-punk. 

LAT     026     SAVAGE MANSION : GOLDEN MOUNTAIN, HERE I COME           LP+DLc  02.2022

(Note : LP , housed in a deluxe gatefold sleeve with insert)

"Golden Mountain, Here I Come" is the third album by Glaswegian indie rock band
Savage Mansion. The album is the first the band have written as a band in the studio.













PostMap – Series 01°00

PostMap 01°12

                SAVAGE MANSION : DO YOU SAY HELLO TO YOUR NEIGHBOURS?   postcard 5.2017

        1       Do You Say Hello To Your Neighbours?
        2       Honeymoon

PostMap 00°3 6'5.2013"

                THE PICTISH TRAIL       WAIT UNTIL EP                   8MP3    05.2013

        1       Wait Until (Album Version)                      5:17
        2       Wait Until (Radio Edit)                         3:33
        3       Wait Until (Jonnie Common Remix)                7:49
        4       Wait Until (Electric Caravan Live From Planet
                Eigg)                                           6:19
        5       Wait Until (Seamus Fogarty Remix)               5:35
        6       Wait Until (Kate Canaveral Remix)               5:27
        7       Wait Until (Acoustic Caravan Live From Planet
                Eigg)                                           5:08
        8       Wait Until (Sam Willis Remix)                   6:39
PostMap 00°4 2'10.2013"

                THE PICTISH TRAIL       LONG IN THE TOOTH               4MP3    10.2013

        1       Long In The Tooth (Radio Edit)                  3:29
        2       Of Course You Exist                             4:04
        3       Long In The Tooth (Kid Canaveral Cover))        2:12
        4       Of Course You Exist (Onthefly Remix)            5:36
PostMap 02°05 01’12.2017”

                FIRESTATIONS            BUILD A BUILDING               postcard 12.2017

        1       Build A Building                                4:31
        2       Build A Building (Bit Cloudy Remix)             4:33
        3       Build A Building (Ed Dowie Remix)               4:41
PostMap 01°06 29'04.2016"

                KID CANAVERAL : FIRST WE TAKE DUMBARTON                 7"      06.2016

        A.      First We Take Dumbarton
        B.      Seventy-Five Milligrams
POSTMAP 01°07 25'5.2016"

                PICTISH TRAIL           FAR GONE (DON'T LEAVE)          2MP3    05.2016

        1       Far Gone (Don't Leave)
        2       The Wolf Is On The Hill
VISITATIONS 0101 MONOGANON              VISITATIONS 0101                12"+DLc 09.2018

(Note : 12" vinyl EP with CD & download code (with bonus tracks) plus full colour
        12"x12" print)

Lost Map (Lazy Day, Alabaster DePlume) kick off their new VISITATIONS series with
an EP from old favourite Monoganon. The Scotland-born, Sweden-based artist John B.
McKenna has turned in a record of delightfully unusual electronica here.